1. Spending LESS Than You EARN
    True millionaires who are really rich are usually prudent with their money. Millionaires do not usually buy a super flashy cars or lead atrociously luxurious lifestyles. Not that they do not indulge every now and then but most of them strive to be anonymously rich. (I once knew someone who became millionaire and lost his million in just 2 years because many people found out about his wealth and came up to him to ask for loans or request that he invest in any sort of business plan they might have in mind.)
  2. Patience Is The Companion Of Wisdom
    Wise people understand that patience is a virtue when building millionaire assets. Most people do not become millionaires overnight. They repeatedly take the same positive action and steps to accumulate their wealth diligently. And it is the commitment to grow your wealth that you will gradually become a millionaire.
  3. Wealth Accumulation Is More Important Than Leading The "High Life"
    Not that a millionaire wouldn't splurge every now and then. But chances are, millionaires make careful decisions about their daily expenses. Instead of drinking Starbucks everyday, they will likely invest in their own coffee machine that can give them the same at a third of the price or less. Instead of changing a car every other month, chances are, they will be just driving their ten-year-old economy sedan.
  4. Pay Off Credit Cards In Full Every Month
    With reference to point number 1, millionaires understand you should not spend more than you earn and if you cannot afford to pay cash for something, you jolly well do not buy it because you can't really afford it.
  5. Financial Freedom Gives You A Peace Of Mind
    While money may not buy happiness, it is a useful solution for many of life's problems and can give you a peace of mind if you are financially free.
  6. Financial Freedom Is Merely A State Of Mind When You Are DEBT FREE And Anyone Can Achieve That Regardless Of Income Level
    Millionaires understand that if you earn a large income and have even larger expenses, you incur debt. And when you have accumulate debts over time, you will NEVER become financially free. And the beautiful part about financial freedom regardless of income level, it is possible to be debt free! After all, financial freedom is just but a state of mind  where you experience peace and freedom simply because you are debt free!
  7. A Second Job or Business Is A Good Idea!
    Millionaires know that getting a second job or a part time business not only increases the size of your bank account quicker but it also keeps you busy – and being busy makes it difficult to spend what you already have. You EARN MORE and SPEND LESS! It's an absolute WIN-WIN!
  8. Money Does Not Manage Itself
    They understand that you cannot expect your money to grow and mature naturally. You have to apply some form form of credible money management just like a gardener takes care of his garden to watch your wealth bear fruits.
  9. Millionaires Always Pay Themselves FIRST
    How do you spend your money when you get it? Do you splurge it on that LV bag you have been eyeing on? Do you rush to upgrade your mobile phone to the latest model? Well, Millionaires always pay themselves first and save up a portion of their earnings no matter how little of how much it is. Financial Guru, Robert Kiyosaki who is also the author of the famous book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad says that paying yourself first is an essential tenet of personal finance and a great way to build your savings and instill financial discipline.
  10. Always Enjoy Yourself As You Make Money
    Even though it is possible to get rich by spending your life making a living doing something that makes you feel miserable, life is really too short for you to waste your time on something that you do not already enjoy.
  11. Plan For Your Financial Freedom And Execute Your Plans
    Life doesn't always happen as we plan we know. But achieving a target like becoming a millionaire requires careful planning that translates into actions. After all, failing to plan is the same as planning to fail. While there are some millionaires who became one because they were lucky, most millionaires move beyond declaring that they want to become financially free by carefully planning for it and taking the action it requires!
  12. Don't Be Afraid To Set Big Saving Goals
    When it came time to set his savings goals, Millionaires aren't afraid to THINK BIG.  Millionaires usually have vision. And their financial success demands that they have a vision that is significantly larger than you they currently deliver upon.
  13. Work Hard To Make Up For Their Mistakes
    Millionaires understand that people will make financial mistakes. But they also understand that over a longer period, hard work can often help make up for a lot of financial mistakes.
  14. Protect Yourselves
    Millionaires understand that life aint a bunch of roses and unexpected things happen all the time. One way to plan for these things is to insure yourself against them. The potential for bankruptcy is always just around the corner and can be triggered from multiple sources: the death of the family’s key bread winner, divorce, or disability that leads to a loss of work.
  15. Understand That Starting To Save Young Is Always Better!
    Time is of essence in the road to financial freedom. Millionaires understand that YOUNG PEOPLE who start saving early in their twenties have the maximum advantage of compounding interest on his nest egg. (And millionaires-to-be don't sweat it if they read this too late:) There is always a way to get there if you really want to. Refer to points 13 and 7)
  16. People Do Not Spend What They Do Not See
    And that is why automatic paycheck deductions are an excellent way to build up your retirement fund. As your income increase, it is also possible to painlessly increase the size of those deductions.
  17. Millionaires Don't Have To Work Anymore!
    When you are financially free, you no longer only work for survival. You do the job you have because you love it so much and you do it happily! Because everything that you own is already paid for and has been for years!
  18. Millionaires Do Not Over Indulge
    Millionaires not not easily impressed if someone drives an over priced luxury car or live in a humoungous mansion that is a few sizes bigger than what their family of four might need. They know and understand the value of living within your means and know that the ultimate goal of being a financially free millionaire so that you can enjoy your life fully come what may is more important than just looking good.