Saturday 19 April 2014

How AmWell Changed My Life

“I found out about AmWell in 2006 when my leader invited me to the office.

At that time, I was suffering from cancer. The doctors advised me to go for an operation but I refused to do so as I was a single mother and my 3 children were then too young. My leader introduced me to AmWell’s bracelets and told me that they will be helpful for me. I just trusted him got the bracelet for myself.

The AmWell bracelets were amazing! At that time I was so tired and had problem going up and down the stairs comfortably. After wearing them, I found that I could walk faster and could walk up and down the stairs effortlessly!  I have never been able to do that previously!

Because of the amazing results I was feeling, I started my AmWell Business full time and shared my amazing testimonial with anyone who was willing to listen. For 2 years, I did my demos, testimonial sharing and presentations everyday. I was deeply convicted about AmWell and her products as I looked and felt better than before. Eventually, I had more than 100,000 people in my network!

Over the years, AmWell has made me LOOK and FEEL BETTER AND YOUNGER. I am already 53 years old and my favorite hobby is eating and travelling. Even though I have not really watched my diet or exercised, many have commented that I look much younger than my actual age.

As I am in remission after cancer, I will go for a health check every 6 months. In the past few months, I started to intensively use AmWell’s products. I use the AMPendant, my bracelet and AMGenex DNA daily. I also put on AMIon and my heart is now PERFECT!

My doctor’s report from a clinic in Singapore shows that I longer have any stenosis in my heart. I received a “zero” score for all the different segments being tested and this represents the 10th percentile of the population based on age and gender. In short, my heart is in the TOP TEN percent of the population when you rank it according to how healthy it is! My doctors say that I have very “clean” heart arteries and no blockage at all!

And that is despite the fact that I have no time to exercise and do not watch my diet as I love eating and eat everything! For me, enjoying life to the fullest is most important and so I still drink my coffee and eat whatever catches my fancy. For someone with a lifestyle like mine, I think it is amazing that I am certified with a clean bill of health! I am most certain that if you use AmWell products daily, your heart will become “clean” like mine.

Even if you are undecided about AmWell’s products, keep an open mind and just take part in the demo. Feel the AmWell Difference yourself. You will find out how USEFUL AmWell products are and like me, you will be raring to share these wonderful products with the people around you!

- Ibu Goenarni Goenawan

PS: To request for a FREE demo, please contact us at

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