Friday 11 July 2014

10 Exciting Ways You Can Make Good Use Of The AMDisc! (Number 4 is a HOT FAVORITE WITH MANY!)

If you haven't already heard, AmWell has launched the AMDisc Pack officially in North America, International, Euro, UK and Indonesia Zones!

This exciting pack comes complete with two AMDiscs, Neoprane hand and feet wraps and Kinesio Tapes which have all been energized by AmWell's proprietary AMized Fusion Technology (AFT).

So how do we use them to enjoy happy, healthy lives? We've done some research and gathered a list of exciting ways you can make use of the AMDisc to enhance your health and your life.

  1. Say Goodbye To PainEnergized through AFT to resonate with Zero Point Energy, the AMDisc is thus very useful in the area of healing and pain relief. Should you be suffering from chronic pain anywhere on your body, it will be easy for you to just use the energized Kinesio Tapes and paste your AMDisc on the point where you experience the aches and pain. The Kinesio Tape is water proof and can stay up to 4 days on your skin. And because the AMDisc is small and powerful, you never need to worry that it will affect your daily life or any of your physical activities.
  2. Improve Focus and Concentration
    If you are looking at a busy day and have lots to do, having improved focus and concentration will drastically improve your productivity. One easy way to achieve this is to paste the AMDisc on the side of our temples.

    The AMDisc also works especially well if you are trying gain focus during meditation or sub conscious programming.
  3. Energy Booster
    Didn't sleep well the night before and need extra energy to focus on a big project today? Going to take part in strenuous exercise and require a huge energy boost? Just paste the AMDisc using the Kinesio Tape at the front right in the middle of your knee for an energy boost and enjoy relief from fatigue while improving the efficiency of your entire body!

    You may also choose to insert the AMDisc into the SPECIAL POCKETS inside the Neoprane Wraps and wrap these wraps around your wrists or your ankles for an extra boost of energy when carrying out sports activities.
  4. Weight Loss
    This is a hot favourite among many. If you desire weight loss, here is a easy, painless way to help boost your metabolism and encourage weight loss. Just paste the AMDiscs in the centre of your body between your navel and your chest to encourage weight loss!
  5. Getting Rid Of Constipation
    If you are suffering from issues related to constipation, other than taking FiberGo religiously, you can also consider pasting the AMDiscs under your navel to energize your colon and clear your constipation issues.
  6. Regulating Menstrual Cycle
    If you are suffering from irregular cycles and many minor inconveniences like cramps, backaches and lethargy during the "time of the month", the AMDisc is great to helping to regulate your cycle and reducing these inconveniences.
  7. Better Sleep
    Suffering from insomnia and long for a better night's rest so that you can wake up feeling energetic and refreshed, ready to start your day and face all challenges? Just place the AMDiscs under your pillow to enjoy a better night's sleep!
  8. Boost Recovery
    If you are suffering from any injury or wound, you can speed up your recovery by pasting the AMDisc right next to the injury! It's that easy! 

To purchase the AMDisc, visit us at!

Click here to read more about AMDisc Pack!

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