Wednesday 5 November 2014

10 Reasons Why Everyone Loves AmWell's Therapeutic Oil!

  • How will you like it if there is something that can help you keep your skin pretty?
  • How will you like it if there is something that will get rid of your cellulite?
  • How will you like it if there is something that helps your wounds heal better?
  • How will you like it if something can help to keep you happy and healthy?
  • How will you like it if there is something that enhances your energetic wellness?

How will you like it if there is something that can do all of the above? A hot favorite amongst all AmWell products, the AmWell Therapeutic Oil is a multi purpose organic oil that does just that! A helpful addition to pockets of the active mother, the busy working woman or even the man who prefers fast free solutions, here are some reasons why people love this amazing product!

  1. It's Organic!
    Organic products are sustainable and promote green living. When you have a product that is applied directly to the skin, it is definitely a GREAT IDEA to make sure that it is organic and therefore free from toxins like Mercury, Dioxane, Nitrosamines, DEA, Cyclomethicone, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40),  Polyethylene Glycol, Polyethylene eth-.

    AmWell's Therapeutic oil is made from various organic oils such as Safflower Oil, Virgin Olive Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Lemon Peel Oil, Lavender Flower Oil, Sweet Orange Peel Oil, Peppermint Leaf Oil, Grapefruit Peel Oil. (Australia Certified Organic). The organic "T- Oil" (that is what our fans call it) from AmWell is thus hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic and can thus easily be used on the face.
  2. Say "Hello" To Radiant, Beautiful, Dewy Skin!
    Made of the goodness of organic ingredients, this wonderful product is excellent for beautifying the skin and excellent for getting problems like flaky dry skin or even pimples. You can use it as part of your skin beautifying regiment. Just roll it onto your problem area and completely massage it onto your skin.

    During winter or when one does not drink enough water, there is a tendency for our skin to be dry. This creates a lack of luster and may mean that it is very difficult to put on your make up. Applying the Therapeutic Oil as a base will give your face a dewy look and help lock in moisture to keep your skin moist and radiant! Just put some on your palm and rub your palms together to warm the oil up. Then place your palms on your face moving from the jaw line upwards towards you ears in a dabbing motion. The oil will be automatically absorbed into your skin after a short while and will not leave a greasy feel. You may also apply small amounts directly on to the face, and throat. EGA Therapeutic is non-comedogenic and will not clog pores. It is also especially useful when you are traveling to a cold, dry climate.
  3. Everyone's Favourite First Aid Helper
    Many mothers swear by this and say this all natural, baby and child safe product is one item they cannot do without in their first aid box. The Therapeutic Oil is especially good for burns and wounds due to its anti-bacterial and anti fungal properties that helps it kill germs. In addition, it also has anti-inflammatory benefits good for burns, wounds. The energized Therapeutic Oil has been energized by AMized Fusion Technology and helps in the speedy recovery of wounds as well.
  4. Soothes And Speeds Up Recovery Of Skin Irritations
    Due to the anti-inflammatory benefits, the Therapeutic Oil is an excellent for insect bites. Not only can it relieve itchiness, it can also help the bite wound to recover faster. In fact, the oil can be used on all types of skin irritations – rashes, insect bites, and burns to soothe the irritation and help speed up recovery.
  5. eSmog Protection Wherever You Go
    Energized with AMized Fusion Technology, the Therapeutic oil resonates with the goodness of Zero Point Energy and application helps to protect our body from the harmful radiation coming from esmog. This extra protection is especially useful for pregnant mothers who are spending long hours in front of their electronic devices or for people who might be working closely with electronic devices such as computers and laptops.
  6. Keeps One Happy and Healthy
    One of the benefits of AFT products that have been energized with AMized Fusion Technology is mood improvement. In addition, AFT helps to keep our body's energetic balance to keep us happy and healthy!
  7. A Great Stress Reliever!
    At the end of a busy work day, wouldn't it be nice if you could totally unwind and relax? When the AmWell Therapeutic Oil is applied on the back of the neck, temples and ear lobes, one can feel the tension and stress melt away almost instantly! An instant quick fix at the end of the day, this is definitely one item that every modern busy individuals should have!
  8. Soothe Those Achy Muscles!
    Lead and active lifestyle but can't feel but age is catching up? Over exerted yourself and feeling sore muscles all over? The Therapeutic oil is all you need to sooth those achy muscles! Just place a few drops of EGA Therapeutic Oil in the palm of your hands and rub hands together to naturally heat oil. Apply oil to problem areas and massage into skin until fully absorbed. Aches and pain diminish with use.
  9. Simple, Cost Effective Cellulite Treatment!
    Cellulite can be quite a nightmare for many women. But help is at hand here. The Therapeutic oil has been proven to be a cost effective and simple solution for reducing the cellulite appearance on skin. All you need to do is to roll the oil on your problem area after show and completely massage it into your skin. You should see results within a few short weeks!
  10. Rebalance Energetic Field For Happier Life and Healthier Body!
    Everything in our body is made up of energy. Even our emotions are made up of energy. A healthy cell will typically emit 70 – 90 mill volts of energy. They are usually condensed together and form an energy field around us. This field is what is known as our “Bio Photon Field” (commonly known as the Bioenergetic Field) or the SOEF (Subtle Organizing Energy Field). This field is like a protective layer over the body, similar to the ozone layer of the earth. This field of energy is constantly interacting with our environment and as it is a part of our body (even though it cannot be seen), it is also powered by the energy from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and also draws energy from the atmosphere around us. If we want to be healthy, we will need a healthy bioenergetic field without disruptions.

    However, as we grow older, we suffer from “rapid aging” due to our lifestyle and environment. Our cellular emissions drop as low as 40 to 50 mill volts and that is the key to our fatigue and discomforts. Applying the oil to our various acupressure or reflexology points can help your body achieve achieve subtle energy rebalancing effects to help us stay happy, healthy and filled with vitality. 
Doesn't all these make you want to grab a bottle of this amazing product instantly? ;)
For more information about the AmWell Therapeutic oil or if you will like to invest in this amazing product, visit our page as

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