has an exciting new product that is currently launched only in North America and it will eventually be launched elsewhere all over the world.
Here are 20 reasons
why you and everyone around you should grab hold of a bottle of AMGenex
After the age of 30, human beings start to lose collagen at a rate of 1% or more every year. While 1% may seem like a minute figure, this eventually leads to us having dry, sagging skin and gaining fine lines, wrinkles while becoming more susceptible to damage from the sun. AMGenex Vikolla is THE SOLUTION to slow down this process!
2) Growing Old Is No Fun!
As a result of losing 1% of our collagen every year, our body undergoes small minute changes that may not be all that pleasant. Some "signs" that you are growing older include:
- Waking up in the morning with pillow marks that seem to take forever to disappear
- Hearing cracks in your bones every time you stretch
- Skin feeling dry
- Nails leaving a white line for a long time when you scratch on the surface of your skin
- Fine lines appearing at the corner of your eyes and just above your lips
- Sagging face shape that doesn't look good no matter which direction you look
- Unwanted, unsightly bulging fats that cannot seem to be hidden
- Nails breaking easily for no good reason
- Losing a lot of hair due to breakage
You can however slow down or reverse this process if you consume Vikolla daily!
Check out here how Collagen affects your bones and your teeth!

3) Many Of Our Life Habits Are Collagen Killers!
Growing old is just part of it. Many nasty life habits also have detrimental impact on the amount of collagen we have in our bodies.
If you:
- Smoke or is constantly exposed to smoke
- Use recreational drugs
- Are constantly exposed to the sun,
- Suffer from Diabetes
- Suffer from poor nutrition (most people do as a result of the prevalence of junk food in our society)
- Suffer from stress and thus have excess cortisol in your body
- Do not drink enough water or drink too much alchohol and suffer from poor hydration,
Chances are, your body's already limited supply of collagen is being depleted at an even faster rate!
4) Collagen Is An Important Building Block In Our Body!
Everyone needs collagen as it is an important Building Block In Our Body! Collagen has several important functions in our body and they include providing support for the skin, reducing friction between joints and maintaining the shape of the nose and ears. It also provides the strength and flexibility of the bones and muscles. This means collagen is important for helping us stay in shape and maintaining the radiance and suppleness of our skin! Collagen even supports the internal organs and is even present in teeth. Collagen fibers are also important in contributing to the external structure of cells. However, they are present on the inside of some cells as well.Some people refer to collagen as the glue that holds the body together. Without it, the body would, quite literally, fall apart!
5) All Collagen Supplements Are Not Created Equal!
While Collagen is good for you, not all all collagen supplements available out there are really helpful in replenishing collagen in our body and skin.
Take skincare collagen like lotions and creams for example. Most collagen based skincare products are actually made up of large collagen molecules which are far too large to be absorbed into the top layer of the skin's dermis. Instead, they merely lie on the surface, help moisturize your skin a little and temporarily make it look smoother and get washed or rubbed off afterwards. Even those that boast of micro sized collagen are mostly too large (2000 daltons) to be absorbed into the skin and utilized.
What about collagen pills, powders and drinks? Collagen is a type of protein that is made up of amino acids. Collagen (like any other protein) gets broken down into amino acids with the digestion process, just like any other protein and gets sent to the body for different uses. So these drinks, pills and powders are no more effective than you eating say a piece of steak!
But AMGenex Vikolla Is Different!
- Are constantly exposed to the sun,
- Suffer from Diabetes
- Suffer from poor nutrition (most people do as a result of the prevalence of junk food in our society)
- Suffer from stress and thus have excess cortisol in your body
- Do not drink enough water or drink too much alchohol and suffer from poor hydration,
Chances are, your body's already limited supply of collagen is being depleted at an even faster rate!
4) Collagen Is An Important Building Block In Our Body!
Everyone needs collagen as it is an important Building Block In Our Body! Collagen has several important functions in our body and they include providing support for the skin, reducing friction between joints and maintaining the shape of the nose and ears. It also provides the strength and flexibility of the bones and muscles. This means collagen is important for helping us stay in shape and maintaining the radiance and suppleness of our skin! Collagen even supports the internal organs and is even present in teeth. Collagen fibers are also important in contributing to the external structure of cells. However, they are present on the inside of some cells as well.Some people refer to collagen as the glue that holds the body together. Without it, the body would, quite literally, fall apart!
5) All Collagen Supplements Are Not Created Equal!
While Collagen is good for you, not all all collagen supplements available out there are really helpful in replenishing collagen in our body and skin.
Take skincare collagen like lotions and creams for example. Most collagen based skincare products are actually made up of large collagen molecules which are far too large to be absorbed into the top layer of the skin's dermis. Instead, they merely lie on the surface, help moisturize your skin a little and temporarily make it look smoother and get washed or rubbed off afterwards. Even those that boast of micro sized collagen are mostly too large (2000 daltons) to be absorbed into the skin and utilized.
What about collagen pills, powders and drinks? Collagen is a type of protein that is made up of amino acids. Collagen (like any other protein) gets broken down into amino acids with the digestion process, just like any other protein and gets sent to the body for different uses. So these drinks, pills and powders are no more effective than you eating say a piece of steak!
But AMGenex Vikolla Is Different!
6) The Vikolla Difference- Hydrolized Hydrogen Protein
12) No Worries About Allergies
Vikolla is Wheat, Lactose and Gluten Free. Suitable for almost anyone. Do not however note that the Liquid Collagen is made from Beef bovine, and so may not be suitable for strict vegetarians.
13) Helps to Stimulate The Production Of Collagen In The Body
Due to the fact that it is hydrolyzed and pre-digested using fruit enzymes, Vikolla is rapidly absorbed into the human body (even for those with digestive issues) and can help to stimulate the production of collagen in one's body.

14) No One Will Say No To Looking And Feeling Younger!
Consuming Vikolla daily helps one look and feel younger by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to improve quality of skin by improving elasticity, radiance and suppleness.
15) Most People Wouldn't Mind Trimming Their Waist Line And Losing Some Weight!
If you are already slim, that is great! Vikolla triggers lean muscle formation and promotes weight stability. For those who are looking to lose weight, on top of promoting lean muscle formation, Vikolla also helps to reduce body fat and increase metabolism to assist in weight loss and promote weight stability
16) It's Hard To Say No To A Thick Luscious Mane of Hair Like A Model!
Vikolla assists in the stimulation of growth for better quality, stronger hair and nails. Enough said:)
17) Say Goodbye To Pain
With the help of AMized Fusion Technology, Vikolla assists in increasing mobility of joints, reducing inflammation and helps to reduce joint pain . In addition, it also assists in relief from pains, aches ailments and speedy recovery and healing!
20) Better Health And Better Protection Against Diseases
There you go, 20 reasons why you should invest no more than a cup of Starbucks a day to keep yourself feeling and looking good from inside out!:)
Want to find out more about AMGenex Vikollla?
Visit us at or contact the person who shared this link with you. Alternatively, you may also contact us at for more info!:)
Vikolla is 100% hydrolyzed collagen protein. Hydrolyzation is the only process that can break down amino acids into small peptides of less than 5000 Daltons which can easily get absorbed in human blood and then make way to the blood cells, making it highly bioavailable.
This means your body does not need to digest Vikolla and break them down as this is already done and your body can simply utilize them direct to help you have younger, supple looking skin, fuller bouncy hair and a slimmer, firmer body shape.
This means your body does not need to digest Vikolla and break them down as this is already done and your body can simply utilize them direct to help you have younger, supple looking skin, fuller bouncy hair and a slimmer, firmer body shape.
There are various ways to hydrolyze collagen and the best way to do it is a time-consuming and expensive method which is executed through the use of proteolytic enzymes (such as fruit enzymes).
Without heat and acids, the bio-compatible integrity of the finished molecules will be guaranteed.
Because Vikolla is hydrolyzed in this way, the amino acids are broken down into very small particles so that they are easily absorbed into the human body. Most collagen supplements that are not hydrolyzed are not absorbed so easily. This unique approach ensures that Vikolla contains high ratios of the unique nitrogen rich amino acids Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline and Arginine, which are important building blocks in our body. These amino acids are very important as they support rapid new protein growth, tissue healing, and protects lean body mass
Due to its greater bio-availability, the deliciously thick, liquid AMGenex Viva! goes through the least amount of digestive effort, and is easily and quickly absorbed, thus giving better, faster results
Because Vikolla is hydrolyzed in this way, the amino acids are broken down into very small particles so that they are easily absorbed into the human body. Most collagen supplements that are not hydrolyzed are not absorbed so easily. This unique approach ensures that Vikolla contains high ratios of the unique nitrogen rich amino acids Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline and Arginine, which are important building blocks in our body. These amino acids are very important as they support rapid new protein growth, tissue healing, and protects lean body mass
Due to its greater bio-availability, the deliciously thick, liquid AMGenex Viva! goes through the least amount of digestive effort, and is easily and quickly absorbed, thus giving better, faster results
7) Collagen Protein Vs Other Sources Of Protein
are the building block of our body and are very important to us as they
are in charge of body functions such as muscle development and
increasing strength. Protein is also what makes up the outer layer of
hair, nails and skin and works somewhat like the maintenance person in
our body in charge of building up, keeping up, and replacing tissues in
our body.
For the different types of protein to function properly in our body, it is essential that we consume foods that are filled with the different types of amino acids that we need. Vikolla contains a unique combination and dispersion of high-nitrogen amino acids (protein) such as glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine, which are necessary to manufacture and support collagen in your body.
Instead of consuming other forms of collagen which might not be assimilated well or absorbed well in the body, the consumption of Vikolla actually assists your body in producing your very own high quality collagen that is easily assimilated since it is produced by your body! Thus giving better, long-lasting results.
For the different types of protein to function properly in our body, it is essential that we consume foods that are filled with the different types of amino acids that we need. Vikolla contains a unique combination and dispersion of high-nitrogen amino acids (protein) such as glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine, which are necessary to manufacture and support collagen in your body.
Instead of consuming other forms of collagen which might not be assimilated well or absorbed well in the body, the consumption of Vikolla actually assists your body in producing your very own high quality collagen that is easily assimilated since it is produced by your body! Thus giving better, long-lasting results.
8) High Net Protein Utilization of Liquid Collagen
Customers of Vikolla have commented that they love Vikolla's honey-like texture and natural sweet flavour!
Other than contributing to its excellent taste, the liquefied collagen Viikolla is easily absorbed by your body and actually has the highest amount of Net Protein Utilization of any protein you can by. This means that most of the collagen protein that you consume when you take Vikolla is utilized by the body!
In addition, the hydrolysed Vikolla has been pre-digested using natural enzymes to make it easier for your body to absorb. More importantly, this makes it easy for people who may have been suffering from digestive issues to utilize the protein fully.
9) Better Results In Shorter Time As Compared To Other Collagen Supplements
As Vikolla also has a larger concentration of protein collagen in it as compared to most of the other supplements. This higher concentration allows it to give better results in a shorter time as compared to other collagen supplements. In fact, there is a large amount of protein available in each small serving size! (15g protein per 30ml/1fl oz)
10) AMized Fusion Technology Goodness!
And unlike any other form of collagen supplement, AMGenex Vikolla is actually further enhanced by Amwell’s proprietary AMized Fusion Technology. And it is the ONLY Collagen Supplement in the whole world to do so!
AMized Fusion TechnologyTM (AFT) is a unique quantum technology that allows all AMGenex Vikolla to resonate with Zero Point Field Energy. As it resonates with this important life force energy, it will then act as a medium to attract even more Zero Point Field Lifeforce Energy into our body to help it self-regulate and self-maintain, thus harmonizing and bringing balance to all aspects of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health so that you not only look better but FEEL better too!
The ingredients in AMGeneX Vikolla were carefully selected for maximum efficiency and their potential and efficacy has been greatly enhanced with the used of the proprietary AMized Fusion Technology™ (AFT™). In short, AFT increases the potency of these wonderful ingredients and promotes easy absorption to give you FASTER, BETTER RESULTS!
11) Convenient And Ready To Use With No Mixing Required
Just pour it out into your spoon and drink it! It's liquid form makes it easy for all people to consume and swallow it, even those who have problems swallowing pills!
Just pour it out into your spoon and drink it! It's liquid form makes it easy for all people to consume and swallow it, even those who have problems swallowing pills!
12) No Worries About Allergies
Vikolla is Wheat, Lactose and Gluten Free. Suitable for almost anyone. Do not however note that the Liquid Collagen is made from Beef bovine, and so may not be suitable for strict vegetarians.
13) Helps to Stimulate The Production Of Collagen In The Body
Due to the fact that it is hydrolyzed and pre-digested using fruit enzymes, Vikolla is rapidly absorbed into the human body (even for those with digestive issues) and can help to stimulate the production of collagen in one's body.
14) No One Will Say No To Looking And Feeling Younger!
Consuming Vikolla daily helps one look and feel younger by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to improve quality of skin by improving elasticity, radiance and suppleness.
15) Most People Wouldn't Mind Trimming Their Waist Line And Losing Some Weight!
If you are already slim, that is great! Vikolla triggers lean muscle formation and promotes weight stability. For those who are looking to lose weight, on top of promoting lean muscle formation, Vikolla also helps to reduce body fat and increase metabolism to assist in weight loss and promote weight stability
16) It's Hard To Say No To A Thick Luscious Mane of Hair Like A Model!
Vikolla assists in the stimulation of growth for better quality, stronger hair and nails. Enough said:)
17) Say Goodbye To Pain
With the help of AMized Fusion Technology, Vikolla assists in increasing mobility of joints, reducing inflammation and helps to reduce joint pain . In addition, it also assists in relief from pains, aches ailments and speedy recovery and healing!
18) Who Doesn't Want To Feel Fresh, Vitalized and Energized All Day?
Helps to increase energy level, strength, flexibility and vitality
Helps to increase energy level, strength, flexibility and vitality
19) Restful Sleep Always Means A Beautiful Start To A Happier, Better Day!
With the help of AMized Fusion Technology, AMGenex Vikolla helps you sleep better and rest well in the night, preparing you for a beautiful day ahead when you wake feeling well rested and refreshed!
With the help of AMized Fusion Technology, AMGenex Vikolla helps you sleep better and rest well in the night, preparing you for a beautiful day ahead when you wake feeling well rested and refreshed!
20) Better Health And Better Protection Against Diseases
Vikolla assists in improvement of immunity. That is like raising the standards of your security guard in your posh, beautiful mansion to ensure that the "bad guys" (a.k.a diseases) do not enter and create havoc in your system. With this, you are certain to enjoy optimum health and feel good about yourself today, everyday!
There you go, 20 reasons why you should invest no more than a cup of Starbucks a day to keep yourself feeling and looking good from inside out!:)
Want to find out more about AMGenex Vikollla?
Visit us at or contact the person who shared this link with you. Alternatively, you may also contact us at for more info!:)
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