Saturday 1 March 2014

The AMWand Is A Miracle Wand!

As I promised I’m writing you about the effectiveness and experiences of your treatment using Amega products on the 28th of November.

This treatment was a great experience for me again, because I’ve already done one-or-two esoteric courses and those were similar to the treatments I recieved from you using Amega products.

This "miracle wand" (AMWand)  is a real miracle! I am a woman, who has lived for many years with pain and painkillers, and I am always restrained in my movement due to this aches and pains. But after your treatment I became a different person!
When I went to you I’ve already put my medicines in my bag so that I could eat them on the way home in case it got painful again but I did not have to use them!

Moreover instead of going straight home with my husband, we actually went to walk around in two shopping centers! That is something I havent done in ages! Finally, I can walk and do shopping like a healthy women without any pain!

I felt so full of vitality I almost did not recognise myself! I didn't feel tired and we only went home when my husband told me that he was exhausted. This was a great feeling for me and I have stayed positive and happy since then.

In the past, I had to take lots of medications for the pain and it was really depressing. Since Thursday, I do not feel much pain in my body.

I can continue my household chores with good cheer since I do not need to stop cooking to lie down and rest whenever the pain hits feel pain me.

My mood has changed because of this! My husband says he noticed that I am no longer grumbling all day. I laugh a lot now and enjoy my life so much! My life has changed completely!

This product not only healed my body but also my soul.  The AMWand is a new miracle in my life.I shared about what happened to me with my medicinal-masseur, and he could hardly believe it. To be honest, I was initially skeptical when you recommended the AMWand to me beause I’ve tried many things to get rid of the pain but none of them worked.

Even doctor's recommendations seems to fail me and I have tried every possible means of treatment and medication to no avail.

I am certainly going to recommend this to everybody I know, because it is simple amazing to experience life without pain! It is a  great miracle!

Other than that, here are some other changes I have noticed in my body since using the AMWand: My back (spinalis) and my legs do not hurt much now. My left foot, which I couldn’t even feel before this has started to tingle, my ankle size is the half of the size before. Sometimes I also feel interesting things in my left foot, like a pinprick. My frequent headaches are gone!

I still do take painkillers here and then. But I only need to take it once a day, which is a great improvement for me since I needed to take them  4-5 times a day previously. I have had a surgery and my wound stopped hurting. I can barely feel the scar! Thank you very much!

Budapest 05.12.2013.
Cibolyáné Besze Mária

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